Palm Springs: Available on Netflix . Gist of the movie: So a guy gets stuck on a date 14.02.2020. He lives 14 th Feb over n over again. He never wakes up to 15 th Feb. Each morning is a new version of 14 th Feb 20. Now he, along with his girlfriend has come to his friend’s destination wedding at some resort, little far from the city. All the guests live the same day along with him. The wedding happens daily. The only difference being, only this guy knows that the day is being repeated. All the others live it like their 1 st ever 14 th Feb 20. With yet another accident, a girl from the wedding also gets stuck with him and unlike others, she too is now aware of the limbo. The story is about the struggle of coming out of the loop, on a very light note. My remind you of 50 First Dates. The difference being, there she lives the same day again and again and here, everyone does. The protagonist knows about the limbo, others don't. With this, share with me answe...
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