So yesterday, some neighbours were going out on a post Diwali Saoji Party. The gang had 4 brothers and 3 elder male members. And yet the sisters stayed home stating, "unko kahan Saoji le k jayenge" Just an hour before that, we were sitting at a Saoji - mind you a proper Saoji. Dattoo Saoji to be specific. I had asked in the car, should I come up. And they said, "off course. car me baith k kya karoge" We stayed there till our parcel got ready. I said, "Kaash! We knew a girl who could come with us to this Saoji". Their stance was, why do you need somebody. This is a nice place, let's come here someday later. Yesterday, we had to bring in parcel home for some reasons. Food was already cooked at home and we were told to have nonveg out in the garden for Diwali time. Saoji plan was made purely bcoz I wanted to have Saoji. Everyone else was completely okay with the Diwali specific heavy Indian food that we all hog on during this time. Honestly, I felt ...
Random thoughts and opinions put into words. Always open to ignite new topics of discussions and healthy debates without judgements!